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Nichols Environmental Project

Remedial In Situ Injection Program

About This Project

Based on the soil and groundwater media on- and off-site being highly impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs), the program was initiated in 2017 to obtain baseline data to aid in the research, design, and implementation of an in situ remediation program. An injection well gallery was installed within the lumber yard to deliver an amendment solution to the source area. Annual groundwater monitoring and sampling in the fall of each year had also been conducted to continue to track the remediation of the PHC impacts. Since the program was initiated in 2018, an approximate total of 2,440,260 L of the diluted amendment solution have been injected into the galleries. In 2021, soil gas sensors were installed that would aid in quantifying indicators to support natural source zone depletion (NSZD) of PHCs in the subsurface.

Project Date

The remediation and monitoring program are ongoing.


Stony Plain, AB

Service Provided

Technical environmental expertise and support in developing, implementing, and maintaining an in situ injection program at a former gas bar that is currently an active lumber yard.

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