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Why Nichols

We understand the frustrations that can come when you’re navigating the guidelines and regulations around an environmental, geotechnical/civil engineering, and/or hazardous building materials project.

Therefore our team firmly believes in offering solutions carefully tailored to your specific project needs. We go above and beyond the ready-made solutions – learning about your organization and your project to find innovative options to help you meet your goals.

Core Purpose:

Creating Value For Great People

Core Values:

Our values are engrained in all that we do at Nichols. No matter who you work with, our team embodies our values and works diligently to ensure each and every client is treated with respect, professionalism, and consideration. 

Icon Growth Blue

Commit to personal and professional growth.

Icon Respect Blue

Be authentic, kind, and inclusive.

Icon Accountability Blue

Take ownership and provide solutions.

Icon Flexibility

Embrace challenges and diversity.

Fundamental Principles of Our Team

Nichols believes in working with our clients to meet project turnaround in a fiscal and timely way. Nichols’ staff are very positive and safety conscious, making sure to go the extra distance to better solve your unique problems.

Icon Respect Blue

Everyone on the team has a voice and input. 

Icon Collaborative Blue

Working together with you to offer solutions that meet your needs, budget and timeline.

Icon Accountability Blue

Our commitment to you and your project is apparent from start to finish.


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